Online Course Registration

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  • Online Course Registration
Ready to take your course online?
Just fill in the payment areas below and you can begin right away!

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(*) denotes a required field
1. Student and Course Information   2. Payment Information
        Check to Copy Student Information to Billing Information
Student First Name *   Billing First Name *
Student Last Name *   Billing Last Name *
Home Phone * -   Billing Address *
Email Address *   Billing City *
        Billing State *
        Billing Zip Code *
Payment Amount     Credit Card Number *
Course     Expiration Date (mmyy) *
        Credit Card Verification Code *

Note: Payment Authorization may take up to a few minutes depending on your connection. To avoid being charged twice DO NOT abort the transaction, close the page or press the Process Payment button twice. When the authorization completes, you will be automatically taken to the next page to continue.